
中车唐山机车车辆有限公司 CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd.

中车唐山机车车辆有限公司(简称“中车唐山公司”)始建于1881年,在跨世纪的发展历程中,中车唐山公司创造了无数个行业第一。今天,已成功搭建起引领市场的轨道装备研发设计平台和一流的产品制造平台,形成了批量制造高速动车组、城际动车组、城市轨道车辆、普通铁路客车等轨道交通全系列产品的生产能力。产品出口到加拿大、葡萄牙、土耳其、阿根廷、安哥拉、埃及等20个国家和地区。面向未来,中车唐山公司正在向着国际一流绿色智能人文一体化交通解决方案提供商不断迈进   。

CRRC   Tangshan Co., Ltd (hereafter refer as to CRRC Tangshan) was founded in 1881.   In the trans-centuries development process, CRRC Tangshan has created   numerous number ones in the industry. Today, the company has successfully   built world-class platforms for design and manufacturing of railway   equipment, forming capacities of volume production for high speed EMUs,   intercity trainset, mass transit vehicle, common railway passenger cars and   full range of railway transport products.  CRRC Tangshan has exported its products to   over twenty countries and regions, such as Canada, Portugal, Turkey,   Argentina, Angola, Egypt, etc.  Looking   into the future, CRRC Tangshan is stepping forward to become a supplier for “green, intelligent and humanistic” rail   transit solution. 
