

时报金犊奖创办于1992,以「初生之犊, 不畏虎」之意,鼓励青年创作,并培养未来创意精英。由于专业严谨, 创意水平高, 被视为青年创意最高荣誉,被业界誉为 「奥斯卡」。金犊奖作为全球华人地区最大的青年竞赛活动之一历年参赛范围涵盖中国大陆、中国台湾、中国香港、中国澳门、新加坡、马来西亚、加拿大、韩国、北美、法国等地区。参与人数超过1000万人。

Times young creative awards was established in 1992 to encourage young people to create and nurture future creative talents. As a result of professional rigour and high level of creativity, it is regarded as the highest honor of youth creativity and is known as the“Oscar” by the industry. Times young creative awards is one of the largest youth competitions in the Chinese community in the world, it has participated in Chinese mainland competitions in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Korea, North and France. More than 10m people took part.
