
河北天启通宇航空器材科技发展有限公司 Hebei Tenchy Aviation Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd.

河北天启通宇航空器材科技发展有限公司成立于2015年,是一家集航空器研发、制造、销售和通航运营为一体的科技型企业。公司位于高碑店经济开发区,占地100余亩,建筑面积3万多平方米,旗下拥有一家全资子公司法国航空技术公司“DEVELOPPEMENTS ET TECHNOLOGIES AERO”。公司通过技术攻关、消化吸收、持续国产化的路径,形成了自转旋翼机、无人机、动力三角翼等三个系列9个型号的产品体系,并且拥有主营产品的完全自主知识产权,100余项专利证书,建设多条工业化标准生产线和检测线,满足规模化生产需求。通过开展飞机销售、售后维修维护、飞行运营服务、人才培训、航空研学等业务增加营收,国内外市场多点布局,合作经销商遍布全球,产品已销往40多个国家和地区,深受广大消费者好评。                          

Hebei Tenchy Aviation Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd., founded in 2015. It is a technology-based enterprise that integrates aircraft research and development, manufacturing, sales, and general aviation operations. The company is located in Gaobeidian Economic Development Zone, covering an area of more than 100 acres with a construction area of over 30000 square meters. It has a wholly-owned subsidiary, the French aviation technology company "DEVELOPEMENT ET TECHNOLOGY AERO". Through the path of technological research, digestion and absorption, and continuous localization, the company has formed three series of 9 models of product system, such as rotary aircraft, unmanned aircraft, and power delta wing, and has completely independent intellectual property rights of the main products, more than 100 patent certificates, and has built multiple industrial standard production lines and testing lines to meet the needs of large-scale production. Our main business includes aircraft sales, after-sales maintenance, flight operation services, talent training, aviation studies, etc. We cooperate with distributors all over the world and our products have been sold to more than 40 countries and regions, receiving high praise from consumers.
