

    ARTY:ACTIVE 是一个多元化户外运动时尚品牌,2019 年成立,主要透过视觉艺术图案,利用碎片化插画风格,重新将图案及境地,以崭新手法演绎.创作灵感源自运动服装设计的并贴车缝技术, 产生视觉冲击. 深入思考,了解大自然和城市生态平衡的发展,带出正面乐观的运动生活态度,在产品及生活态度有着持续发展的连结. 品牌自2019年发展至今,积极参与不同的设计及联乘项目,如 Adidas Salomon ,YAS 保险集团 ,中环原创坊 PMQ , FFF Fashion Farm Foundation 大湾区巡回时尚展,广州设计周,北京国际设计周等,恒基兆业集团等不同联盛项目,透过联乘合作展览及品牌的核心价值,希望更多人认识户外运动所带来的正面乐观的信息。

  Arty: Active is the Visual Art piece collection that using fragmented illustration styles, re-interpreting the patterns and scene with innovative styles. The Creative inspiration comes from the sportswear design construction details such as the patchwork and layering system which produces a visual impact among the collection. Wandering through the city and the mountains from rocky path to the urban street. Thinking on one foot and having in depth thoughts. It is the philosophy between static and Dynamic movement. The environment and nature are the Conceptual sources of the entire product collection.
