

思拓新能源是光伏组件智能运维清扫机器人的原创者, 主攻干式无水清扫。自2013成功研发出全球第一款全自动、智能化的清扫机器人以来, 2014年陆续在中国大规模装机, 2017年开始拓展海外光伏市场。截止2023年,产品从第一代升级至第六代。思拓机器人为全球各大光伏客户均提供了高效、清扫解决方案。

Sol-Bright is the initial developer of the Robotic (Dry) Cleaning System, and the world largest manufacturer and supplier of this cleaning robot. From 2014 till date, from 1st generation to 6th generation, by end of 2023, Sol-Bright will supply more than 55,000 units of robot and covered more than 17GWp capacity worldwide.

From China to the world, Sol-Bright robot has its footprints in 30 countries including UAE, KSA, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, Israel India, Thailand, Kenya, Eritrea, Australia, Chile, Argentina, USA, France and more on the way.
