

上海手绘线文化创意有限公司既是一家设计机构,也是一家创意公司。主营业务是提供产品设计服务、策略和咨询。创始人宋扬拥有伦敦大学金史密斯学院硕士学位和中央美术学院学士学位。作为一位全球获奖设计师,宋扬一直深耕于产品设计行业,拥有数十个成功的商业项目和独立设计作品。致力于将商业与艺术激情更好地结合起来,于2021年成立上海手绘线。公司还运营着旗下设计师品牌SUPA RARE,结合艺术与实用性,打造一个色彩斑斓的家居奇幻宇宙。

Shanghai Free-Line Cultural and Creative is both a design agency and a creative company. The main business is to provide product design services, strategies and consulting. Founder Young Song holds Master’s Degree from Goldsmiths, University of London, and Bachelor's degree from Central Academy of Fine Arts, China. As a global awards winning designer, Young has been deeply engaged in product design industry, with dozens of successful commercial projects and independent design works. Committed to better combining commercial and art passion, Shanghai Free-Line was established in 2021. The company also runs its own designer brand SUPA RARE, which operates at the intersection of art and functionality to create a dreamy universe of richly colored furniture and useful daily objects.
