北京服装学院副教授o 獲CCCLA國際鞋履設計大賽金獎
o 獲廣東工業設計周“工業設計推動獎”
o 獲北京時裝周“優秀青年設計師”大獎
o 獲“真皮標誌杯”中國國際箱包設計大賽金獎
o 獲廣州設計周“2019她設計獎-年度傑出女性設計師”獎
o 獲“2021灣區美力盛典”“灣區美力時尚人物”稱號
o 北京国际设计周独立单元策展人
o 由文化部非遗司主办,上海大学承办的PACC非遗研培班导师;
o 作品登上米兰、巴黎、东京各大时装周,以及中国国际时装周、上海时装周、广东时装周
Brand founder and creative director of independent designer brand CICI CHEUNG
Master degree in Fashion Design & Accessories,Italy ISTITUTO MARANGONIN
Associate professor at the Beijing Institute Of Fashion Technology
Li Lianjie One Fund. Specially invited designer of the Qiang Gang Support Program
Designer of APEC leaders dresses
The first independent designer to hold a personal brand conference in the Palace Museum
A special designer of the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
An invited artist from Hermes
Works were collected by the China National Silk Museum
Won the gold medal at the CCCLA International Shoe Design Awards
Won the "Industrial Design Promotion Award" of Guangdong Industrial Design Week
Won the "Outstanding Young Designer" award of Beijing Fashion Week
Won the gold medal of the "Leather Logo Cup" China International Luggage Design Competition
Won the "2019 She Design Award - Outstanding Female Designer of the Year" award at Guangzhou Design Week
Won the title of "2021 Bay Area Beauty Power Festival" and "Bay Area Beauty Power Fashion Figure".
Curator of the Independent Unit of Beijing Design Week
Instructor of PACC Intangible Cultural Heritage Research and Training Course sponsored by the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and undertaken by Shanghai University;
Works have been featured in major fashion weeks in Milan, Paris and Tokyo, as well as China International Fashion Week, Shanghai Fashion Week and Guangdong Fashion Week