


亚洲新锐艺术与设计大赛主理人,亚洲艺术与设计协会秘书长,亚洲城市文化国际海报展总策展人,英国工程设计师协会会员,国际媒介与传播研究学会会员,中国艺术人类学学会会员,《中国艺术设计年鉴》、《Frontiers in Art Research》、《Art and Design》、《Cogent Arts & Humanities》等多个国内外刊物的主编、编委与审稿人。欧洲产品设计奖等国际奖项评委。发表论文20篇,其中CSSCI,SCI,SSCI,EI等收录论文7篇,参加并发表演讲会议9次,其中发表顶级会议论文2篇。

The organizer of the Asian Vanguard Art & Design Competition.

Secretary General of the Asian Arts and Design Association.

Chief Curator of the Asian Urban Culture International Poster Exhibition

Member of the British Engineering Designers Association

Member of the International Society for Media and Communication Studies

Member of the Chinese Society of Art Anthropology

Editor in Chief, Editorial Board Member

Reviewer of multiple domestic and foreign publications such as the China Art and Design Yearbook

Frontiers in Art Research, Art and Design, and Cogent Arts & Humanities

Judge for international awards such as the European Product Design Award

Published 20 papers, including 7 papers included in CSSCI, SCI, SSCI, EI, etc.

Participated in and gave speeches at 9 conferences, including 2 top-level conference papers

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